Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Condoko is signing off

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
NOTE FOR my subscribers: I could be in trouble for the circumstances by which I've blogged. I plan to close this account soon and I wish to keep in touch with you after I will have rebuilt it in a new account or maybe in ways other than blogging. I know it's awkward to ask for your email ads since I myself have not even made public my own email addy. And, yeah, I sound very pretentious for even thinking that subscribers would bother to follow me to another site. Like I've offered anything worth following in this site. But maybe some of you do want to know how I will resume Condoko. C'mon, humor me. Click on the "Email" link on the Navigation Bar above the header, it will direct you to an Email Form. Wait, maybe I should just publish my email ad here:

ravioli [dot] tivoli
[at] gmail
[dot] com

Huhuhu. I hate to say goodbye because we might not "see" each other again. It's been a pleasure writing regularly knowing there are actually readers who come back to read.

Follow me to my new hiding place. It will be dimly lit and romantic.


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